Update on Cowboy Ron

There was outrage in Montana when the Cowboy Ron story first broke. Then the story went international when Jack Blood, Alex Jones, and I discussed it on Jack’s GCN show “Deadline Live” last Tuesday—a show which happens to be carried in Montana on KEGZ-AM, the oldest independently owned radio station in the US. This show threw gasoline on an already burning fire. There was an explosion, a big one, which has now resulted in the Montana legislature drafting legislation that would exempt antiques and toys from confiscation as gambling devices. If passed, the bill would be retroactive and result in the return of the confiscated items to Cowboy Ron.
This would not have happened if Cowboy Ron had complied with the agents’ demand that he stop talking to the media. I made this point on Jack Blood’s show, that the thugs of the American Police State are afraid of publicity. Therefore, should you ever find yourself the victim of police brutality, or a police shakedown, or whatever, do not be afraid to go public. Tell the media, send out emails, scream about it to the High Heavens. You will be safer if you do, and if enough people do it we will be able to stop the New World Order dead in its tracks.
And there’s something else you can do. As my friend Brian Roper points out in today’s File 23 blog entry, we can use Big Brother technology to watch Big Brother. Cops use hidden video-cams. So, too, can mom-and-pop antique stores. So, too, can you.
The aforementioned edition of "Deadline Live" is now available as a podcast. Also included in the podcast is a short excerpt from Alex Jones' Wednesday show in which he discussed the Cowboy Ron story. Alex also played a clip from the film "Open Range" which depicts the attitude we as citizens should adapt in dealing with police corruption. To download the podcast click below.

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