Some Photos
Our second full day in London is beginning. It is about 7:20 am. Outside, it is much quieter than it was yesterday at this hour, I think because this is Black Friday, the beginning of Easter weekend, a major holiday here.
Last night, I downloaded the photos I've taken so far on this trip. Here are a few of them. The first is a shot of our plane as it pulled up to the gate ...

As I mentioned yesterday, the flight was delayed due to the storms. We first heard it would only be 45 minutes late. But it ended up being two hours late.
Here's me shortly before take-off. Bison Bill goes to Europe ...

On the back of each seat were small tv screens that played movies. I tried to watch a few movies, but couldn't get interested. It was much more interesting to watch the the flight path on the screen, as we flew from D-FW over Denton, then past Oklahoma City, St. Louis, Chicago, then over Lake Michigan, Canada, the Atlantic Ocean, passing under Greenland, Iceland, and eventually ended up in the UK ...

The flight was an endurance test. I've been on many a flight before, but never one longer than four hours. This one was eight hours. I was never able to get comfortable in the cramped seat and couldn't sleep more than a few minutes at a time. Then, halfway through the flight, my guts began to churn and I had a sore throat, a combination of cabin air, altitude, and nerves I guess. Lord, I was miserable. But somewhere over the Atlantic, as we met the dawn, I began to feel better.
But enough about the flight. Here are some pictures taken in London. This is Chandra as we walked to Trafalgar Square yesterday morning ...

Trafalgar Square ...

Chandra in Trafalgar Square ...

Here's me in front of the National Gallery, standing in front of the statue of George Washington ...

One more shot in Trafalgar Square ...

That's all for now. Later I'll write about some of the interesting experiences I've had here. But right now it's time to go out and have more experiences, and take more pictures ...
Last night, I downloaded the photos I've taken so far on this trip. Here are a few of them. The first is a shot of our plane as it pulled up to the gate ...

As I mentioned yesterday, the flight was delayed due to the storms. We first heard it would only be 45 minutes late. But it ended up being two hours late.
Here's me shortly before take-off. Bison Bill goes to Europe ...

On the back of each seat were small tv screens that played movies. I tried to watch a few movies, but couldn't get interested. It was much more interesting to watch the the flight path on the screen, as we flew from D-FW over Denton, then past Oklahoma City, St. Louis, Chicago, then over Lake Michigan, Canada, the Atlantic Ocean, passing under Greenland, Iceland, and eventually ended up in the UK ...

The flight was an endurance test. I've been on many a flight before, but never one longer than four hours. This one was eight hours. I was never able to get comfortable in the cramped seat and couldn't sleep more than a few minutes at a time. Then, halfway through the flight, my guts began to churn and I had a sore throat, a combination of cabin air, altitude, and nerves I guess. Lord, I was miserable. But somewhere over the Atlantic, as we met the dawn, I began to feel better.
But enough about the flight. Here are some pictures taken in London. This is Chandra as we walked to Trafalgar Square yesterday morning ...

Trafalgar Square ...

Chandra in Trafalgar Square ...

Here's me in front of the National Gallery, standing in front of the statue of George Washington ...

One more shot in Trafalgar Square ...

That's all for now. Later I'll write about some of the interesting experiences I've had here. But right now it's time to go out and have more experiences, and take more pictures ...