Friday, March 14, 2008

The Silencing of Spitzer

Greg Palast: ... It was the night of February 13 when Spitzer made the bone-headed choice to order take-out in his Washington Hotel room. He had just finished signing these words for the Washington Post about predatory loans:

“Not only did the Bush administration do nothing to protect consumers, it embarked on an aggressive and unprecedented campaign to prevent states from protecting their residents from the very problems to which the federal government was turning a blind eye.”

Bush, Spitzer said right in the headline, was the “Predator Lenders’ Partner in Crime.” The President, said Spitzer, was a fugitive from justice. And Spitzer was in Washington to launch a campaign to take on the Bush regime and the biggest financial powers on the planet.

Spitzer wrote, “When history tells the story of the subprime lending crisis and recounts its devastating effects on the lives of so many innocent homeowners the Bush administration will not be judged favorably.”

But now, the Administration can rest assured that this love story – of Bush and his bankers - will not be told by history at all – now that the Sheriff of Wall Street has fallen on his own gun ...


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Six Days and Counting

Well, here I am, typing on my brand-new laptop. Something else new: I now have wireless capability. Which means that, for the first time, I am able to blog from bed. Which is where I am now, in bed.

This is a major breakthrough for me, because it means that I can now blog in my sleep. So, look out world …

Just one of many recent life changes for Old Mack. Month before last, I retired from my day job at the University of Texas. And now, I am preparing to travel, for the first time, to Europe.

This trip will occur in less than a week. I will be traveling in the company of my daughter to London, where we will spend a week, then travel to Amsterdam to spend five more days before flying back to Dallas.

Throughout the trip (internet connections and logistical issues permitting) I will be describing my adventures on this blog and posting photos from my new digital camera. So, please stay tuned.

How do I feel about the trip? Well … I am excited … it's the fulfillment of a lifelong dream to see Europe, it’s quality time with my wonderful daughter Chandra, it’s a turning point in my life, it’s so many things … and it’s also somewhat daunting … the idea of a 7-8 hour flight across the great Atlantic Ocean to a strange land … me, take such a flight? me, who’s never left the North American continent, and very rarely strayed from the Southwest?! … YIKES!!! … and be away from my home and Diane … gulp! … can I do this? …

Six days and counting …

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

LIVE TONIGHT: PsiOp Radio 3/11/08 Edition

SMiles Lewis and I will be broadcasting another live two-hour PsiOp Radio tonight at 8 pm EST / 7 pm CST / 6 MST / 5 PST/ 0100 UTC. You can hear the show on either of these networks: Revere Radio or Anomaly Radio. And don't forget, you can call us! Our call-in number is (347) 996-3510.

Incidentally, for the next two weeks, I will not be on the show. I will be in Europe! During that time, SMiles will be joined by special guest co-hosts filling in for me.

More about my trip later. In the meantime, be sure to listen to us tonight...

Monday, March 10, 2008

It’s Showtime for!

A few days ago my good friend Brian Roper wrote the following:

Was just watching a documentary on Showtime called American Drug War. About ten minutes before it ends there's a part where someone on the audio says "the American people should be more afraid of the FBI than the CIA" while onscreen they show this quick sweeping shot of a Google page.

Of course this is only a split-second thing, but on the Google page the words: "Mack White-Villa Of the Mysteries" could plainly be seen. Thought you might want to know about this.

So there you have it. My website has finally made the big time. The mainstream media has finally been forced to pay attention and acknowledge the existence, the unalterable reality, the inevitability, the ineffability, the infallibility, etc. that is True, it was only for a split second of precious broadcast time, but this is a start, and not a bad one. As the old adage goes, it is from small acorns that great trees grow …